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Jordan: Hydroponic systems set up in Sweilma village

The village of Sweilma in northern Jordan launched its first hydroponics and community garden in the presence of representatives from the National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), a FAO statement said.

With the support of the FAO, NCARE has collaborated with families and community based organisations (CBO) to install soilless gardening systems with the aim of bettering the lives of vulnerable families.

“It is with great pleasure that I welcome this initiative and all efforts involved in uplifting our community from poverty, especially since it is a community which has welcomed Syrians with open arms and homes,” the head of the CBO was quoted in the statement as saying.

The project is expected to benefit 30 per cent of Syrians and 70 per cent of Jordanians, whose level of food security is compromised by unsafe living conditions in underserved areas, the statement said.

Read more at The Jordan Times
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