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UAE signs deals with Pakistan with strong interest in fruit & veg
United Arab Emirates and Pakistani businesses signed deals worth nearly $200 million (Dh734 million) during the Expo Pakistan 2017 which was held in Karachi on November 9-12, said a press statement.
Around 75 B2B meetings were arranged during the three-day event between the UAE and Pakistan business communities, which resulted in business deals of an estimated $150-200 million (Dh550-734 million) with the Emirati delegates expressing keen interest in Pakistani vegetables, fruits, meat and poultry products, said a press statement issued by the Pakistani consulate in Dubai.
A contingent of 32 buyers from UAE visited Expo Pakistan in Karachi and held B2B meetings with leading exporters of textiles, rice, fruits and vegetables, etc.
Kamran Khan commercial secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Abu Dhabi said delays in sea shipments raise the cost rendering Pakistani products less competitive in terms of price. The Embassy of Pakistan has taken up the matter with relevant authorities in Pakistan to introduce a specialised fast speed cargo vessel between Karachi and UAE to reduce transit time and cost.
This would help enable exporters of fresh fruits & vegetables to ship perishable items through sea at a reduced cost.