US (NC): Butler Family Farm, Extension helping high tunnel novices
Sampson County Cooperative Extension is hosting a High Tunnel Production workshop for interested farmers and growers from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 27, at Butler Family Farm, 110 Goodman Butler Road, Clinton. The workshop is for new high tunnel growers or anyone interested in purchasing one. In agriculture, high tunnels may be used to extend the growing season and enhance growth and yield for a variety of horticultural crops.
The upcoming event will feature a demonstration from Butler. Butler’s family has operated the farm for many generations. It was started by his grandfather in 1909 and now produces a variety of crops. With the right tools, tomatoes can grow inside the tunnel all year-round. Butler is now in the fall growing season after having success in the spring.
“With anything else, it’s a learning process for us, but I think we made some pretty good inroads this year,” Butler said about the process, which is new to his farm.
Read more at The Sampson Independent (Chase Jordan)