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US (NY): Bronx apartment building includes aquaponics greenhouse

Like many new buildings being built in New York City, Bedford Green House in the Bronx will be energy efficient with an environmentally friendly design. But thanks to a rooftop aquaponics greenhouse, it will also encourage its residents to try their hand at urban farming.

The 13-story, 118-unit Bedford Green House in Bedford Park will be home to more than 160 residents. The supportive and affordable housing development will cost $56.8 million and was spearheaded by Project Renewal. Gov. Andrew Cuomo awarded $6.2 million in funding for the project through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance’s Homeless Housing and Assistance Program in February.

The aquaponics greenhouse will enable residents to grow produce and raise fish such as tilapia. And since the growing platforms are able to be vertically stacked, the residents will be able to grow more produce than they would with traditional soil farming methods.

Residents will also be able to work with Project Renewal’s horticultural therapist to grow their own food all year round. Additionally, chefs from the nonprofit’s Culinary Arts Training Program will teach healthy cooking classes in the rooftop greenhouse’s demo kitchen for residents and their neighbors in the community.

Read more at Metro US
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