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Tomato prices skyrocket in India's capital amidst supply shortage

There is no respite from skyrocketing prices of tomatoes in the retail market of the Indian Capital despite the Delhi Government issuing warning to hoarders and traders a few days ago. 

The rise in prices is being attributed to massive crop failure in tomatoes producing States. With the Azadpur Mandi receiving about only 20 to 25 per cent of stock as compared to previous year, the prices have gone up with tomatoes being sold between Rs 80 and 100 per kg in retail markets.

Ashok Kaushik, president of the tomato association, said the massive crop failure in the tomato producing States due to heavy rain has led to the huge shortage. “We have been receiving only one to two trucks loaded with tomatoes per day while in the previous season the figure was 40 to 50 trucks,” he added.

Kaushik said, “The city will continue experiencing a massive shortage as new crops have been devastated due to heavy rain in several areas. I don’t think the situation will be improving in the next few months.”

Traders also said supply of tomatoes from Bangalore is expensive as compared to that from other States due to transportation cost. “Traders in Bangalore supply to Delhi only after being assured of getting high prices,” they said. Rajender Sharma, a former chairman of Agricultural Produces Market Committee (APMC), said, “We have to wait and watch. It all depends on further supply.”

1 RS = 0.015 USD

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