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"Wild tomatoes can help in making commercial varieties disease-free"

From soup and salads, tomato serves as a primary ingredient in Indian food. It is nutritious, loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. But keeping tomatoes free from ‘early blight’ disease is a challenge for farmers.

Now a group of Indian scientists has found a way to develop tomatoes resistant to the most common disease – early blight (EB). They have identified biochemical and molecular mechanisms in wild tomato that makes them resistant to early blight. This knowledge can be used to improve commercial varieties and develop tomato cultivars resistant to EB in future.

The study has been published in journal Plant Molecular Biology recently by scientists from the National Chemical Laboratory, Savitribai Phule Pune University and Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

Read more at The Hindu Business Line (Vaishali Lavekar)
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