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U.S., Cambodia promote young ag researchers

More than 80 percent of Cambodians work either directly or indirectly in agriculture, which contributes about a third of the country’s gross domestic product.

America’s ambassador to Cambodia has said that the country’s young scientists will play a leading role in developing its agricultural sector.

William Heidt, a U.S. ambassador, made the comments after a meeting with Cambodia’s agriculture minister, Veng Sakhon, in Phnom Penh last week.

The ambassador was launching a new scholarship program with grants awarded by the Center of Excellence for Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition.

“Of course, farming is not just planting vegetables and rice. And it’s not just research projects either. It is also a business, one that is becoming more tightly connected to international markets and more dependent on international market forces,” he said.

“In this respect, agriculture is not much different than the manufacturing, tourism, or technology sectors. For success in all these fields, Cambodia needs smart, young, dedicated people like yourselves,” he said.

Read more at VOA (Hul Reaksmey) 
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