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US (VA): 865,000 dollar investment for new aquaponics facility in Loudoun County

Kappa Farms will create 21 new jobs and invest $865,000 to open an aquaponics operation in Loudoun County.

The company will build a closed-loop nutrient cycle aquaponics facility which will produce certified organic baby lettuces and arugula using water and nutrients derived from fish waste. The company will produce over $7 million of Virginia-grown lettuces over the next three years, which it will then sell to customers and restaurants in the Washington D.C. metro area.

“The success of Virginia’s agriculture industry is a testament to the diversity and quality of our products, as well as our outstanding reputation in the global economy,” said Governor McAuliffe. “I thank Kappa Farm for their investment in Loudoun County and look forward to seeing them successfully enter a new and growing marketplace for organic produce. We will continue to support projects and products that diversify our agriculture industry, build the new Virginia economy and contribute to the Commonwealth’s reputation as the best place to do business around the world.”

Read more at the Augusta Free Press
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