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Turkish tomatoes to be promoted in Seoul to lift exports

As part of the Economy Ministry's drive to promote Turkish goods and products abroad, the Aegean Exporters' Union is set to join the Food Week Korea in Seoul between Oct. 25 and Oct. 28.

Under the government's "Branding of Turkish Products Abroad," "Putting Across the Image of Turkish Goods" and "Turquality support" drives, Turkish food products will be presented at the event.

Five food associations from the Aegean Exporters' Union will attend the fair, where a variety of Turkish food products, including dried figs, apricots, raisins, tomatoes, olive oil, bay, thyme, sage, pasta and bulgur, will be promoted.

Meanwhile, recipes that can be prepared using Turkish products and may appeal to Far Easterners will also be offered at the program.

Turkey's imports from South Korea stood at $6.4 billion last year while it exported goods worth $518 million to the country. 

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