US (IL): High school students gain learning experience through tower garden
At Monday's Effingham Unit 40 school board meeting, three students and two teachers presented a Tower Garden that is only the beginning of lessons in hydroponic plant growing.
“This year more students will get to work with these towers,” said Melissa Habing, a biology and investigative science teacher at Effingham High School. “Last year we started with this one tower here and we're excited to get it into the hands of more students.”
Part of their excitement is that a grant from the Lumpkin Foundation in Mattoon and a matching grant from Tower Garden company will allow the district to add nine more towers to Central, Junior High and South Side, making it a districtwide program this school year.
Last year the high school students grew lettuce, peppers and other vegetables.
Read more at The Effingham Daily News (Dawn Schabbing)