Addressing problems with phytosanitary certificates in Japan
If errors are found on a phytosanitary certificate issued for a shipment to Japan, or the original copy of a phytosanitary certificate has been lost on route to Japan, the Japanese authorities may instruct the importer or freight forwarder of the shipment to send a replacement certificate accompanied by a letter of explanation issued by the Dutch authorities. In such cases, the Dutch exporter is advised to follow the following procedure:
1. The exporter finds out how and by whom the errors were made, and reports the problem to the General Inspection Body (Nak, KCB, BKD or Naktuinbouw) which is responsible for the issuance of the certificate.
2. The exporter makes a request to the General Inspection body for the issuance of a replacement certificate which contains correct information, as well as a letter of explanation (see example in Annex 1).
The exporter should obtain contact details of the Japanese authorities from the importer or freight forwarder in Japan, such as the name and fax number of the responsible official of the Japanese Plant Protection Station at the port of entry, so that the letter can be addressed appropriately. The letter must be printed on the letterhead of the General Inspection Body, and be signed by a responsible official.
3. The General Inspection Body is appointed by the NVWA to decide whether a replacement certificate will be issued. In special occasions, the General Inspection Body will issue a replacement certificate in consultation with the NVWA.
The original copies of the replacement certificate and the letter of explanation must be sent to the Japanese Plant Protection Station at the port of entry.
4. The Japanese authorities will make a final decision on whether or not the submitted documents may be accepted.
Source: Agroberichten Buitenland