Tunnel farming gains ground in Pakistan
Back in 2005, the ‘fruit and vegetable development project’ of the Punjab government was launched as the first major initiative on tunnel farming.
Now thousands of farmers in all provinces are engaged in it.
Many of them say it has helped them grow more and better veggies at lower than usual costs, thus boosting their income.
The average per-year production of tomato, cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, bitter and bottle gourds, okra and capsicum has increased during FY2010-14, as compared to FY2005-09, according to the officials of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research.
Consolidated data for FY2016 on veggies’ cumulative output is yet to be released, but officials of agriculture departments of Sindh and Punjab confirm a rising trend during the last fiscal year.
Read more at the Gulf Times