US (AL): Lab teaches students about aquaculture, hydroponics
More than 60 students at TCTA are involved in an aquaponics lab, where they learn about taking care of fish and how to use fish waste to develop produce through hydroponic tanks. The lab is comprised of a 4,000-gallon recirculating system with three hydroponic tanks.
Through the lab, nearly 400 Koi fish are held in an aquarium, where waste travels through a filtration system to be used as nutrients for dozens of kale plants in the hydroponic tanks. From there, the purified water is returned to the aquarium, where the process starts again.
The system and equipment is worth about $15,000, which was donated by several groups, such as the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
“Through this system, students get hands-on experience and activity dealing with the raising and care of fish and maintenance of aquaculture mechanical systems,” said Carl Hughes, instructor in the agriscience program at TCTA.