How to grow hydroponic cabbage?
Other than pests, the most common problem with cabbage cultivation is splitting, when the head cracks and splits. This looks unappealing to consumers and can catch dirt and disease. Splitting is caused when the heads grow large and firm, then resources (such as water or fertilizer) are increased. Keep growing conditions consistent, and don’t wait too long to harvest.
Cabbage is vulnerable to common pests such as aphids and fusarium, as well as fungal disease blackleg and black rot. The latter are usually due to the crown of the plant being kept moist. Watch out for leaks or high water levels that could do this.
For best germination rates, keep seedlings a little warmer than mature crops (65-70º F). Scarification of seeds can also increase germination rate. After being planted, seeds will germinate in 4-7 days, and will be ready to transplant 4-6 weeks later or when the first true leaves arrive. In ZipGrow Towers, cabbage can be plant 4-6 to a Tower. Just remember to leave enough room for each head to grow to the desired size.
Depending on the type of cabbage and the size of head desired, the crop will be ready for harvest 9 to 11 weeks later. Harvest when the head is firm and big enough for your markets.
Read more at Upstart University