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Niagara businesses part of growing movement:

Canada: Hendriks, Freeman commit to $75K greenhouse project in Guatemala

For more than a decade, Wells of Hope has brought fresh, clean water to some 53,000 indigenous people in the mountainous regions of Guatemala. This February, the not-for-profit agency will provide the people with something new — fresh food, thanks in part to two Lincoln greenhouse businesses.

Hendriks Greenhouses and Freeman Herbs have committed to raising at least $75,000 to build a greenhouse in the Central American country. A team of seven greenhouse workers will head to Guatemala in February to set up the structure as well as teach the locals about food production.

"It seemed like a good marriage to us," said Andrew Hendriks, president and first cousin to Wells of Hope founder Ted Van der Zalm. "We have the know how and experience to share with them."

Hendriks Greenhouses has been a long-time supporter of the organization's work to bring clean water to people in the poorest regions of Guatemala.

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