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India: Sops on hi-tech greenhouse bear fruit for city farmers

The state horticulture department has started giving 65% subsidy to anyone who sets up a poly house (hi-tech greenhouse) in a bid to encourage kitchen and garden farming. Having to pay just 35% of the total cost of setting up a poly house, many farmers are doing so. Madanlal Malik is one such farmer who has set up two poly houses over an area of three acres. "It is a great motivation for farmers like us to develop poly houses," malik said. Besides, the department has also developed a 'hi-tech poly house' in the city to breed special seedlings in a stipulated environment which increases the productivity of these seedlings compared to the normal ones. The temperature is controlled at a certain level and regular fogging is done to avoid damage to the crop.

"Without these seedlings we cannot grow certain crops at all. Moreover, the seedling from a hi-tech greenhouse helps us increase the productivity of the crop," Malik said.A seedling which would be available in the market for Rs 7 will be available at Rs 2.50-3.15, depending on the crop. Farmers can order the seedlings of any crops, for instance, tomatoes. The department will then develop these seedlings and deliver them to the farmers."The initiative has been taken by the department to encourage garden and kitchen farming," said Dr Jogender Singh, deputy director, horticulture department.

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