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Wageningen UR at COP21 with climate smart agriculture
Several dozen researchers from Wageningen UR will visit the climate summit COP21 (the 21st Conference of Parties, the UN meeting on climate change) in Paris from 30 November till 11 December. They will give lectures, visit workshops and participate in discussions. The Wageningen researchers will report back daily in various ways. On 27 November, prior to the climate summit, the Twitter master class The Wageningen Guide to a Climate Smart Future (#COP21Wageningen) will be held.
The Wageningen contribution of expertise for the international COP21 summit includes the themes ‘climate smart agriculture’ and the role of forests and the soil in climate change.
All the important information about Wageningen UR’s research and basic information on climate change can be found on the special Climate Change theme page. This page also contains texts about climate and agriculture, climate and soil and climate and forest, the brochure Wageningen Guide to Paris (Guide to Climate Smart Future), a file on causes and consequences of climate change and an animation film. In addition, this site includes up-to-date information about the blogs, vlogs and Twitter feed of the Twitter master class with four Wageningen UR experts.