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India: Greenhouse to facilitate growth of plant species inaugurated

A greenhouse with a mist chamber to facilitate the growth of rare, endangered and threatened plant species, under controlled humidity and temperature, was inaugurated by the Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik in the city on Sunday.

The facility has a controlled water sprinkler system. Orchids, ferns and rare plants like Mappia, Coscnium, Kokam, Red Sandal, Mesua, Apama, Woodfordia etc. will be grown in this green fern house.

The Minister who inaugurated the facility stressed the need for scientific validation of the benefits of Ayurveda and other holistic systems of medicine to make them more acceptable. He said the scientific medical system of Ayurveda was based on strong fundamentals with a focus not only on curing the disease, but was a philosophy laying stress on leading a healthy and a fruitful life.

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