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Spain: Tomato prices in November lowest in five years

Tomatoes are going through a "black November", as average prices are currently at the worst level of the past five years, according to data processed by Hortoinfo and supplied by the Prices and Markets Observatory of the Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Government of Andalusia.

The average price of tomatoes has, in fact, plummeted since the start of the season. Between the first week of October (week 41) and the first of November (week 45) the average weekly price of tomatoes has dropped from 1.17 to 0.45 euros per kilo, and it dropped to 0.35 euros per kilo in week 46.

They are the worst results registered for the first half of November in the last five years.

On week 45 (from 2 to 8 November), the average price of tomatoes stood at 0.45 euros per kilo. In the same week in 2014, the average price for all tomato varieties was of 0.66 €/kg; in 2013, it was of 0.48 €/kg; in 2012, it stood at 0.66 €/kg; and in week 45 of 2011 the average price for all tomato varieties was of 0.60 euros per kilo.

On week 46 (from 9 to 15 November), the average price has dropped to 0.35 euros per kilo, while in the same week of 2014 it stood at 0.67 €/kg; in 2013, at 0.43 €/kg; in 2012, at 0.61 €/kg; and in week 45 of 2011 the average price amounted to 0.51 euros per kilo.

By varieties, the price of ribbed tomatoes in November fell from 0.88 euros per kilo in week 45, to 0.84 in week 46. The long life dropped from 0.35 to 0.26; the smooth, from 0.45 to 0.38; pear tomatoes fell from 0.41 to 0.31 euros, and on the vine tomatoes dropped from 0.62 euros per kilo in week 45 to 0.47 €/kg in week 46. 

The Prices and Markets Observatory has not yet calculated the weekly average prices of cherry tomatoes, which usually arrive late compared to other varieties.


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