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Are PURPA renewable mandates outdated?

USA: Republicans urge changes to renewable energy law

Enacted nearly 40 years ago, the landmark Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act may be revamped if the chairs of three congressional energy committees and subcommittees get their way. 

The lawmakers, all Republicans, have written the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to urge it to update the legislation, which mandates that electric power utilities purchase energy from small renewable and cogeneration sources.

In their letter, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan and Rep. Ed Whitfield of Kentucky told FERC that PURPA is sorely outdated. 

"Electricity markets, generation technologies, and investments in the electric grid have changed substantially since PURPA was enacted nearly 40 years ago as part of President Carter's energy plan. Since then, competitive electricity markets and open access policies have emerged and matured, expanding the markets for new generation sources, particularly renewable energy resources," Murkowski and the other chairs wrote in their letter to FERC.

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