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UK: Prince Charles urges public to support English farmers

Prince Charles is asking the public to help and support English farmers by buying locally grown food whenever possible. Family farms are facing big problems due to falling prices, increasing expenses, the rigid pound and payment delays.

The Prince said that shopping for local food items not only help farmers but also save the countryside. He said “On an ample scale the procurement choices of people can make amendments in the markets. Those of us who think enough about the unfortunate circumstance confronting our farmers and rural communes truly can help by purchasing British produce whenever possible.”

He has demanded that Waitrose Duchy Organic, the brand he runs in association with Waitrose, purchases British ingredients whenever possible.

He said city-occupants might not be able to welcome the significance of British cultivating. He said “It is maybe important to spelling out, particularly to the individuals who have urban lifestyles, that we depend on agriculturists to make a tremendous commitment to our country’s security, environment and success.”


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