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Switzerland: Another vertical forest being built by Stefano Boeri in Lausanne

Stefano Boeri's Bosco Verticale in Milan has been called "the most exciting new tower in the world." Last year it one the International Highrise Award, described by the judges as "a striking example of a symbiosis of architecture and nature." Now he is building another 36 storey tower in Lausanne, Switzerland, to be planted with cedar trees. (Hence the name "La Tour des Cedres")

According to Dezeen, there will be 100 cedar trees, 6,000 shrubs and 18,000 plants. Boeri is quoted in Dezeen:

With the Tower of Cedar Trees we will have the opportunity to realise a plain building that will have a great role in the Lausanne landscape," said Boeri in a statement. "An architecture even able to introduce a significant biodiversity of vegetal species in the middle of an important European city."

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