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Indian tomato prices up almost 200%

In just one month, the prices of tomatoes have increased in Vijayawada from Rs 16 per kilo to Rs 45 per kilo. Supermarket prices are at Rs 45-50 per kg, while pushcart vendors have their prices at Rs 48. In Kurnool, the retail price is between Rs 50 and Rs 60 per kilo in the open market.

Agriculture officials said the escalating prices are due to lack arrival of stocks in the markets. On average, the PWD Rythu Bazar in Vijayawada gets 400-600 trays each containing 25 kg everyday. On Saturday, just about 100 trays arrived.

The majority of the stocks arrive from the tomato hub Madanapalle. However, due to a poor harvest this season, the arrivals have declined. The next pick is not due for arrival until next month. Prices will be high until then, and will certainly drop by Rs 5-10 and remain stable until next February.

The poor crop is currently mainly due to deficient rainfall in tomato country, mainly Madanapalle.

In the Kurnool Rythu Bazar, a major tomato market, growers have been bringing in only about 70 quintals in the last three days, as against 120-160 quintals a day earlier.

The tomato market has also experienced a change in some procurement practices. Of late, private agents have been going to the farmers’ fields to buy at the gate. Farmers were offered no more than the price they would get at the Ryhu Bazaars, but that was a welcome proposition to them, as they would save on transportation costs.

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