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The Grove: will consumers go vertical as well?

Technology is increasingly becoming a major part of agriculture. LEDs are now being used to grow food on a larger scale and could revolutionize urban farming. Farmers around the world are installing smart irrigation systems that can be controlled with smartphones. Technology has also popped up in home gardens with plenty of smartphone-based systems that tell you when to water your plants and more. Throughout the years, we've seen a lot of smart gardening products, some useful and some not so much.

Now all this present day technology might be integrated in a automated home garden system that has hit Kickstarter. The Grove is a bookshelf-sized growing station consisting of three different layers. The top layer is the main growing area where greens, herbs and small fruits like strawberries, tomatoes and small peppers are planted. Full spectrum, adjustable LED bulbs provide the light and are automated to mimic the sun.

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