An increase in the volume of tomatoes has already been registered in Almeria's markets of origin, where prices to date had remained at really high levels due to delays in the harvest.
Long life green tomatoes are traded for between fifty and thirty-five cents, while the pear variety has an opening price of seventy cents and final sales at forty cents per kilo, and the on the vine is sold for less than seventy cents per kilo, going as low as forty.
Green beans have become more expensive this week due to the impact of the drop in temperatures especially at night, which slows down the production process. The Helda is sold for between two euros and thirty cents and one euro and forty cents; the Strike costs between three euros and forty cents and two euros and thirty cents, and the Emerite stands between three euros and forty cents and three euros per kilo. Meanwhile, long cucumbers remain at values ranging from fifty five to forty two cents, short Black cucumber prices range between twenty and thirty cents and the French variety reaches opening prices of twenty-five cents and final sales at fifteen cents per kilo.
Long aubergine prices remain at moderate levels, ranging from fifty cents to thirty four cents per kilo. Striped aubergines range between thirty and fifty cents. Thin courgettes have reached opening prices of one euro and forty cents and final sales at one euro and twenty cents, while the thick variety starts at around one euro and thirty cents and closes at one euro and ten cents per kilo.
Italian green pepper prices have fallen sharply to opening prices of fifty cents, with final sales at thirty cents. The Italian red costs between forty and sixty cents per kilo. Lamuyo green peppers reach opening prices of seventy cents, with final sales at fifty cents, while the red Lamuyo is sold for between one euro and sixty cents and eighty five cents per kilo. Yellow bell peppers are sold for between one euro and ten cents and ninety cents, with the red at similar levels, ranging from one euro and ten cents and eighty five cents per kilo. Meanwhile, green bell peppers cost between sixty-five and forty cents per kilo.
Specialties at auctions
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the campaign has been the arrival of "specialty" varieties to auctions. To date, this type of vegetables were marketed directly by the cooperatives, but in October we saw red hot peppers with an average price of one euro and seventy cents, Palermo peppers with an average price of one euro and eighty cents, or Kumato tomatoes with prices ranging between fifty and thirty cents per kilo. More and more producers opt for this type of products with the goal of obtaining better returns than those achieved with traditional crops.