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India: Farmers exposed to benefits of poly greenhouse cultivation

To provide an alternative method of cultivation to farmers of this arid district, the horticulture department has decided to introduce, for the first time, the lucrative poly greenhouse method for the cultivation of cucumber and capsicum, and flower crop of marigold.

District Collector K. Nanthakumar inaugurated on Thursday, the 1000-square metre poly greenhouse erected at the model farm at Sundaramudayan near here, with interline micro drippers for irrigation, fertigation and fogging system for the purpose of demonstrating the efficacy of the method to the farmers.

About 250 farmers have visited the greenhouse and some of them evinced interest in setting up the house for cultivating hybrid varieties of cucumber and capsicum, which commanded a good market in Kerala, B. Ilango, Assistant Director of Horticulture, said.

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