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Tomato sector

Spain: Canary Government agree new strategic export plan

The Regional Federation Fedex Aceto Services, together with the Councillor of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Water of the Canary Islands, Narvay Quintero, and the Primary Sector regional deputy, Abel Morales, have agreed to implement a new strategic plan for the export of Canary tomatoes.

This decision was taken after Quintero outlined the efforts made by his department to modify the POSEI and the meetings held in Brussels with the technicians and managers of the Directorate General for Agriculture, as reported by Fedex in a press release.

It was reported that, after the supporting documents were supplied and the requirements met, the final document was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, which will be responsible for "its negotiation in Brussels." The resolution from the Agriculture Commission is thus expected to be known in late November.

In this regard, the regional deputy said that this amendment, proposed by the sector, is intended to allow the transfer of the amount that is not being spent on action 1.2.2 for the Marketing of Tomatoes to action 1.5 of Aid per hectare; this transfer would make it possible to obtain 13,106 euros instead of the current 7,700 euros.

Quintero and Morales stressed that this measure, "which is intended to be transitory, will mitigate the sector's situation until there is a new strategic plan," which will probably arrive late next year.

Therefore, they have agreed to previously analyse the results of the old plan to "prevent making the same mistakes," as the goal is to focus on the "potential and capacities of the sector, key to Canary Islands' exports."

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