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Armenia: Veg production growth boosts exports

Armenian fruits and vegetables have seen a boost in production and exports this year.

Armenia exported 4,600 metric tons of tomatoes and cucumbers, compared with only 370 tons last year. Armenia's Ministry of Agriculture has also reported that 9,400 tons of cabbage was exported in January-October 2015. The total volume of fruit and vegetable exports was 64,800 tons this year compared to 38,550 last year, a rise of 34%.

Fresh agricultural products were not hit as hard as alcohol and wine. According to Armenia's National Statistical Service (NSS), their combined export revenue rose by 65% in January-August 2015. This does not include the large amounts of grapes and other produce harvested in the autumn.

The increase in exports were also made possible due to the good weather condition that translated into bumper harvests of many crops including wheat. NSS figures show that agriculture is currently the fastest growing sector of the Armenian economy, having expanded over 11% in January-September 2015.

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