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Holland to help modernize horticulture in Moldova

Representatives of the Netherlands' Embassy in Moldova reported that, Holland helping Moldova with the modernization of their horticultural industry was discussed at a meeting between the Moldovan Minister of Agriculture and Food, Ion Sula and Dutch experts in the field of horticulture, who arrived in the country to assess the horticultural sector. This sector was named a priority for cooperation between the two states, reports

Sula informed the participants about the priorities and reforms in agriculture, in the structure and problems of the horticultural sector, and touched on the key policies, including the modernization of the research sector, the main support measures and external aid projects.

The representatives of the Dutch delegation welcomed the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture to promote the association of small farmers, having expressed interest in the implementation of joint cooperation projects aimed at modernizing horticulture through the transfer of knowledge and the development of advanced systems in agriculture for farmers.

The delegation from the Netherlands will stay in Moldova until October 27, 2015. The Dutch experts’ program of visits includes a trip to specialized research and educational institutions, meetings with fruit and vegetable producers, representatives of industry associations and the Ministry of Agriculture. Following a visit to the agricultural department, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture suggested a joint meeting being held to present the main findings and to identify opportunities for cooperation in the future.


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