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Ukrainian greenhouse tomato prices double due to EU shipments

“APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits” report that the price of greenhouse vegetables in the current week have almost doubled. Today farms are offering wholesale greenhouse tomatoes for between 20-22 UAH / kg (0.81-0.89 Euro/kg), while on the eve of last weekend, the sales prices were in the range of 10-13 UAH / kg (0.48-0.52 Euro/kg). The analysts at "APK-Inform: vegetables and fruits" explain the rise in prices by the increased export demand for tomatoes. At the same time Poland, the Baltic States and Belarus are now the top three biggest buyers of Ukrainian tomatoes. 

“The situation on the international market today is conductive to exports to the EU commencing, for example, Polish tomatoes at the moment are at least 40-50% more expensive than the Ukrainian varieties,” commented Tatiana Getman, Head of "APK-Inform: vegetables and fruit”. “However as this year’s experience has shown, a lower price tag is not considered reason enough for entering the EU market. This season, farms have carried out a huge amount of work for adapting Ukrainian products to the demands of European consumers. This period has been damaging enough for our producers, as European companies returned shipments of all types of Ukrainian products, because of pesticide residues. Today several farms carry out shipments of tomatoes to the Baltic states and Poland, and this fact has contributed to saving this year’s fruit and vegetable season.”

The experience of greenhouse businesses entering the EU market will be discussed by representatives during the XII International Conference Vegetables and Fruits Ukraine 2015 Restart, which will take place 1-3 December in Kyiv.


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