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Ukrainian vegetable price index up 23%

Ukrainian fresh produce price index has grown by a record 23.3% in the week October 10th-16th, after a leap of 22.4% the week before.

The price index has gone up by 45% over the past two weeks and 57.2% over the past 3 weeks.

Thanks to an increase of 62.8% in prices, green house vegetables are making the largest contribution to price index growth. The price rise in traditional vegetables was also significant: up by 42.2% week-on-week.

The demand for some traditional vegetables was extremely high. Wholesale companies were certain of a shortage of high-quality produce in farms and were ready to purchase all available volumes at almost any price.

However, trends in the fruit segment were the opposite. The start of the imported fruit season was traditionally characterized by lower prices. Lemons and oranges in particular decreased in price, and the overall fresh fruit price index went down by 6.3% week-on-week.
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