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'Center for Produce Safety'

US: CPS awarded grants for new projects

The Center for Produce Safety has been awarded 11 grants worth almost $2 million to boost food safety in the sector.

The research is intended to improve the understanding of potential produce safety hazards, risks and routes of contamination, as well as aid development of effective science-based risk identification and characterization.

Drew McDonald, Chair for the CPS Technical Committee has said, "The goal for CPS and our research partners is to help identify solutions and keep fresh produce safe for everyone."

Two projects are to commence next year. These include: Michael Cahn, University of California Cooperative extension looking at 'Microbial food safety risks of using tail water for leafy green production', and Eduardo Gutierrez-Rodriquez from North Carolina State University 'Establishing die-off rates of surrogate and virulent EHEC-STEC strains from strawberry and cilantro surfaces. It is evident that the CPS is trying to target all points of the supply chain - farmers, shippers, handlers and consumers with this research.
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