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Developed by student for Koppert Cress:

Cress Today: the new way to grow cress

After nearly two years of brainstorming, designing and testing, Toon Rozen presents a new way to work towards a healthier diet: Cress Today. Over the last year, the student followed a Product Design Urban Technology research program. He completed his study with an internship at Koppert Cress. In this company, he looked at ways to ensure that people will become more involved in nutrition and make healthier and more conscious choices. This resulted in Cress Today.

After his internship at Koppert Cress, director Rob Baan offered him the opportunity to further develop the concept. So now he has started his own company 'Grown', whereby he wants to make cultivating plants at home nice and easy in a variety of ways. With the first product, Cress Today, he focuses on seedlings. "The seeds come from Koppert Cress. We ensure that these seeds, which grow into healthy and tasty cress, come home to you. Some seedlings are ready to eat after seven days, giving you the pleasure of harvesting the cress yourself. '' Here the user can vary with seedlings of garlic, rucola-, mustard, coriander and cucumber. You can use them to garnish a meal, use them on a sandwich, salad, soup or in your water bottle.

Cress Today brings this healthy and tasty cress, fresh to the consumer's home. The growing installation uses LED lighting and a irrigation system. The design is tight and open. Everything is convenient. Cress pads and the ideal growing conditions make it easy and fun. 

Rozen is ready to take his concept to the next level to start producing Cress Today, so that you can experience this growing experience yourself. The manufacturer works with a minimum order which calls for an investment. Through an online crowd funding campaign Rozen will reach the general public and see what the potential of Cress Today is. The amount of money that he is able to obtain through crowdfunding, will be used for materials, molds and the production of the growing installations. So, he can start with setting-up his own company and soon you can enjoy your home-grown cress.

Through the campaign link, you can view the project and order Cress Today. 

For more information:
Toon Roozen
[email protected]

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