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US (MI): Eden Farm continues to rebuild after November storm

Something big is cropping up on the Zittel Farms property in Eden—two acres worth of greenhouse. It's a far cry from what the site looked like almost a year ago when the November storm tore up what housed the Zittel family's livelihood.

"The most devastated was my father, who had built most of the greenhouses. It was like his babies just collapsed in the snow storm,” said Mark Zittel.

Ninety percent of greenhouses at Webster Road, Mark's uncle's farm, and his father's farm were reduced to metal frames and shards of glass. It canceled propagation, or the season where new plants are created from seeds and buds, but the Zittel's vowed to rebuild. In the spring, the family rented an abandoned greenhouse in Wayne County and worked there to grow items like hanging baskets.

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