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Russia and France to cooperate in agriculture

Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and France’s Minister of Agriculture Stephane Le Fol discussed the two countries' cooperation in the field of agriculture and agro-industrial complexes.

The Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that there is still much work to be done in this direction, reports

"In Russia, there is a lot of agricultural land, the potential is huge. We are ready to contribute to the world’s supply of food and would like to work together with foreign partners,” he stated. Arkady Dvorkovich said that there are already examples of fruitful cooperation between French and Russian companies. "We are ready to strengthen cooperation and to solve problems that arise in this area,” he said. The Deputy Prime Minister also said that one of the priorities is to train professionals in the field of agriculture. The French Minister of Agriculture said that the French side is also set to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including educational projects.


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