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Ukraine: Fresh produce price index up 19.1%

Ukrainian fresh produce price index has grown by 19.1% in September.

"Such a trend is rather unusual for September," says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. "Fruit and vegetable prices usually fall in September as farmers start harvesting traditional vegetables and apples, which accounts for the largest part of consumption. As a rule, growing prices in September may be an indication of shortage of supply in the market, which then can result in a significant rise in prices in winter-spring, or artificially spread panic among consumers."

The most significant increases in prices were registered in the segments of seasonal and greenhouse vegetables as well as fruits. Prices of traditional vegetables have also become slightly more expensive. Potato prices reached the levels of the end of August despite previous fluctuations.

Among traditional vegetables, the most considerable rise in prices was registered in the onion segment: up by 42.9% month-on-month. Bananas and oranges also became sharply more expensive despite their still relatively low consumption. At the same time, prices of domestic apples went down due to their ongoing harvesting.

Source: Fruit-Inform
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