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Spain: Perichán to exclusively supply Kumato cherry tomatoes to Mercadona

The agricultural group Perichán has launched a new cherry tomato variety, the Kumato, which will be sold exclusively at Mercadona. According to information verified by the company, this new crop, which will arrive directly to consumers, without intermediaries, through the logistics chain set up together with the Valencian retailer, is the result of the firm's innovative efforts.

In terms of marketing, and according to the information provided in the presentation of the 2014 financial results, last year the group sold a total of 50,000 tonnes of tomatoes, 25,000 tonnes of cucumbers, 12,000 tonnes of beans and 15,000 tonnes of other horticultural products. That same year, the Murcian group obtained 77.66 million euros in net income; a 10.2% growth compared to 2013.

Of all sales, 80% correspond to the domestic market, with Mercadona as its main customer, as it absorbs 70% of its production. The other 20% is exported.

Based in Mazarrón, Murcia, the Perichán group is formed by the trader SAT Agrícola Perichán and the producers Agrupación Agrícola Perichán, in Murcia, and Agrícola El Casón, in Albacete. It also has properties in Alicante, Almeria, Granada and Navarra. The group also includes the association Frutas Perichán, which sells fruit and vegetables in Mercamadrid. In 2013, the latter made 24.01 million euros in turnover, up 4.3% compared to the previous year. Perichán also owns Periroc, based in the Moroccan municipality of Agadir. This company runs ​​200 hectares of greenhouses devoted to the cultivation of flat and round beans.

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