Protocol to prevent cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
For years Ron Peters has carried out research on the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in cucumbers at his experimental garden in Emmen. "If those tests are complete, the greenhouse should also be clean again," he says. "It is very important." It is something that plays a role for growers. The cucumber green mottle mosaic virus has been a burden to growers for years. "You see that the traditional means do not solve the problem." After extensive research and numerous tests Peters, in cooperation with DLV Plant, has now developed a protocol that allows the greenhouse to become virus-free. This was done on the basis of knowledge of hygiene and plant physiology. "I actually came to the conclusion that we did not do enough. Everyone does his best - but it is not doing this or that, it is a combination of things.." Does this mean there is a cocktail in the greenhouse? It certainly does not, according to Peters, "In any case everything will be done within the legal framework." DLV and Ron Peters are in consultation with the suppliers involved, to provide the means. "It involves not only the means but also the thinking behind it." As a follow-up of this protocol, a protocol for tomato cultivation will also be established.
Meanwhile, thanks to the protocol, 200,000m² of cucumber cultivation is virus-free. Yesterday, Peters presented his results to the Dutch cucumber sector. Cucumber growers from the region explained how their greenhouse has gone from 100% cucumber green mottle mosaic virus to virus-free. "I'm still baffled that in three cultivations not a sick plant was found, while we were fighting against the virus for years," says a farmer. Peters knows the facts. "Even if the mats are sick, we get it out. Every step of cutting down the greenery to planting in January, must be well executed and thought through. Then you can move on virus-free."
Peters did not develop new resources - only a protocol to follow by the letter. How does he earn back his investment? There, too, he developed a plan. Internationally Peters will individually offer the protocol with a confidentiality clause. "We do not want to be greedy. I know that the protocol will not receive revenue within five years, but we want a price that does justice to the investigation."
For further information:
Ron Peters proeftuin
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Buren, J.A.M. van (Jeroen), manager Glastuinbouw
M 06 - 5159 143006 - 5159 1430
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