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Received 350 million Yuan backing of Tiantu Capital

China: Fresh fruit retailer Pagado expands Beijing business

Pagoda, China's biggest fruit retail chain, is going to expand its shops in Beijing. One of the company's unique policies is that it allows customers to return low-quality products to the store, even without a receipt.

Pagoda was founded in 2001. The company owns more than 100 plantations in China and over 1,200 shops in 19 cities. Recently, Pagoda has received a capital investment of 350 million Yuan from Tiantu Capital. This investment will be used to expand the number of shops and improve the supply chain and IT support. 

The company is forecast to open an additional 600 stores next year and wants to add 1,000 shops each from 2017 onwards. First target markets are Beijing and Nanjing.

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