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US (WI): Stoney Acres looks to future of local food

Tony Schultz returned to Athens to find it much different than when he was in school. He was coaching the Athens junior varsity basketball team when something struck him.

“When I grew up and went to grade school, half the kids in my class were 50-cow, dairy-farm kids," Schultz said. "When I came back from college (in 2004), one player from a team of 30 was from a farm like mine. I find that sad.”

Schultz, along with his wife, Kat Becker, decided to take back at least part of the countryside with Stoney Acres Farm. In 2006 they bought the 120-acre farm, which is located about eight miles northwest of Athens, and sold community-supported agriculture or CSA shares. In the farm's second year of doing CSAs in 2008, they doubled shares from 72 customers to 145. Business has grown steadily from there

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