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"Contributing to a healthy margin for all links in horticulture"

Huub Welles and Lilian Litjens start Agro & Retail Desk

Tholen - Huub Welles and Lilian Litjens started Agro & Retail desk, a help desk in the horticultural sector focused on establishing commercial cooperation in the supply chain from grower to retailer. "Growers have the need for the retailer to co-operate and the retailers are looking more and more towards the source and for new ways regarding their sourcing. It turns out they are from two different worlds which do not speak each other's language. We see opportunities to link these chains together and organize the chain in between," says Huub Welles.

Huub, after completing his studies at the Agricultural University of Wageningen, has been working over twenty years in the production, marketing and sales of both floriculture and greenhouse vegetables. His last position was Director of Operations Kompany. His partner Lilian Litjens has been around since 1991, working as a consultant, where she guides horticulture, growers' organizations, governments and other businesses with amongst others business plans, financial and organizational issues (European) funding and improvement processes in the supply chain.

"Our activities will mainly consist of improving or redesigning horticultural chains with the aim of bringing together producers, service providers and retailers each with their own perspective and develop successful commercial partnerships. This we do so hands-on together with the client. Meanwhile, projects have been completed and some are in the implementation phase. You can also employ us to improve individual links in the chain," says Huub, in particular growers experiencing a great need to work with the retail sector.

The beauty is that we can also act as a platform for innovations, for example seed breeders. A grower traditionally pays little attention to what the needs of the market are, traders are often focused on the correct support of the logistics process and retailers do not ask for innovation. We, as an independent agency in the innovation chain, are able to organize successful projects.

For more information:
Huub Welles
Agro & Retail Desk
Vaandel 35
5346 WD Oss
Mob: (+31) 06 838 10 281(+31) 06 838 10 281
[email protected]

Lilian Litjens
Kluishof 36
3155 GG Maasland
Mob: (+31) 06 3456 3930(+31) 06 3456 3930
[email protected]
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