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Oct. 7, Barton Ag Research Center

US (MO): Agriculture Educational Field Day at Hutson Greenhouse

Southeast Missouri State University’s Department of Agriculture will host its annual “Agriculture Educational Field Day” from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at the David M. Barton Agriculture Research Center facilities and the Charles Hutson Horticulture Greenhouse.

This free event, open to local high school students and instructors, will begin at the Charles Hutson Horticulture Greenhouse, which includes the Charles Nemanick Alternative Agriculture Garden. The day’s events will continue at the David M. Barton Agriculture Research Center.

“The Field Day is specifically designed to encourage young people to pursue careers in agriculture,” said Dr. Mike Aide, chair of the Southeast Department of Agriculture. “We try to show young people that agriculture has an exciting blend of business skills and science to solve real-world problems.”

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