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Dutch young plant grower Noordam Plants in full production

Young plant grower Noordam Plants from 's-Gravenzande has high hopes for the new season. At this time, they foresee a 10% increase in production compared to last year. "This increase is, in general, not due to an expansion of the acreage, but due to an increase in customers," says Ben Wever. One of our reporters made a quick visit to see how the new plants for the new season are being grafted and propagated.

Ed Hendriksen and Ben Wever

Plant Quality

Ed Hendriksen of Noordam Plants: "We want to deliver a good plant quality and to achieve that, we use tight crop schedules."

Dutch grower Vincent van der Lans is one of the customers. He knows the importance of good starting material. That is why he has an appointment at Noordam twice a week. Vincent then inspects the plants and discusses amongst other things, the twenty-four hour temperature strategy. Vincent van der Lans: "We receive beautiful, equal parties with good, sturdy plants. And that is what we need. The cooperation with Noordam is going well."

In this area about 40 ladies are grafting.

A sowing machine. This is where production begins.

In these tunnels the root and scion grow together within five days.

The rootstock. Ed Hendriksen:"We make sure that the lower part is purple before it is grafted. Then there is enough power and nutrition in the plant in order to survive the grafting period."

For more information:
Noordam Plants
Ben Wever en Ed Hendriksen
tel 0653 - 326 8980653 - 326 898 en 0620 – 014 4840620 – 014 484
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