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Bumblebee hives in illuminated cultivation

A new system for bumblebee hives has been conceived incollaboration with Schenkeveld Tomatoes, Jan Lelij and Metazet / FormFlex.These hives are used in illuminated cultivation to let the bumblebees fly at the most favorable times. The hives are closed after a certain time: thebumblebees are still welcome to return to the hives, but can not fly out.

Schenkeveld first worked with thissystem in 2013. After achieving satisfying results, several growers using lighting have already opted for this system.

There are two types of frames designed for 12 andfour hives. The hives are positioned with the flight opening to the left orright, so that there is more room between the hives' exit points. By usingdifferent colors on the flight opening, bumblebees can better find their ownhive.

Because the frames hang in the top of thegreenhouse, they are easy to reach and the bumblebees can easily fly out again.In some circumstances, a small frame is placed at the gable ends in order toguarantee an efficient pollination everywhere. These frames have space for fournesting boxes. Protection from the heat is possible because the frames are made​​for use with protection shields.

The flight openings are controlled by a timer orby computer. The hives are closed through air pressure. As a result, noelectrical connection is required in the greenhouse. When the pressure drops,the cylinders push the barriers open again.

For more information:
Metazet / FormFlex
De Lierseweg 6
2291 PD Wateringen (NL)
[email protected]

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