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US (MA): Views mixed on proposed Hebron medical marijuana facility

Several Hebron residents sharply criticized a proposed medical marijuana growing facility at a forum Tuesday organized by the company seeking to build it.

“Why was our area picked to have this done?” asked Gloria Price Watson. “It’s right across from where I live and I’m very disappointed. This is a development of at least 50 homes, and over on Memory Gardens Lane there are at least 10 or 12 more.”

BioCannatix wants to build a 40,000-square-foot growing facility cloaked by a forest on 33 acres of agriculturally zoned land near the intersection of Log Cabin Road and Memory Gardens Lane.

It is one of scores of ventures seeking one of just 15 permits Maryland has set aside to grow medical marijuana. Companies are expected to start submitting their lengthy applications later this fall to a governor-appointed commission.

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