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Netherlands: Roses, strawberries and tomatoes with LEDs at the Improvement Centre

At GreenQ Improvement Centre in the Netherlands several trials are running again with our LEDs. This year we work on (light) recipe optimization for tomato, winter strawberries and roses.

The tomato trial is a new trial based on the positive results we achieved last year with LED toplighting and interlighting at various locations (Improvement Centre, Flavourfresh UK, Wageningen UR). This year the goal is to further optimize the whole growth concept together with parties who joined last year as well (Monsanto, Koppert) and new parties (Grodan, Paskal, DLV). Last year various light treatments were tested on Komeett. This year we choose for 1 light treatment (105 micromol LED toplighting and 105 micromol LED interlighting) which was showing best potential last year. We are growing it with two irrigation strategies.

Local strawberries.. in winter

Producing strawberries with LED lighting in winter time is a new phenomenon at the Improvement Centre. The project is being realized by DLV Plant, a group of strawberry growers and several companies like Philips, Koppert, BVB Substrates and Genson. Two light recipes and two strawberry varieties are tested with our LED toplighting modules. We are looking forward to eating tasteful, locally grown strawberries during Christmas!

LED rose trail

The rose trial is now entering its second winter season. The project is focused on growing a perfect quality rose with low energy input (Funding partly via program “Greenhouse as an energy source”). Moving to the shortest day of the year, we see the difference in production between rows with LED interlighting and the row without LED going up again, as the contribution of 40 micromol LED light to total light (Daylight and HPS light) is becoming bigger. Actually, production in kilo’s (and in number of stems) is going better than expected. Is this the extra effect of LED interlighting? We think part of it can be linked to LED interlighting and part of might also be because of the diffuse glass. Unfortunately the higher energy saving targets and higher productions in this trial are not resulting in perfect roses. This is our challenge for coming winter. Will our LED toplighting also be a solution for this next step? We will keep you up-to-date!
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