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US (CA): Messalonskee Garden Club members complete Phase I of greenhouse project

The Messalonskee Garden Club’s 18-by-28-foot greenhouse project is complete, according to a news release from the school. The polycarbonate siding that was installed gives a plastic wrap sense of completion to the greenhouse that stands between the mathematics wing and tennis courts at Messalonskee High School. The siding installation completes the first phase of the project. Phase II is the work that must take place inside the greenhouse to make it operational.

The following students, all seniors, started the Garden Club: Kristy Prelgovisk, Savannah Hartford, Allison Leighton, Chelsea Robbins, Marisa Schaller, Amber Sutherland, Brie Hopkins and Emily Pellerin. With the help of grants and local businesses the club secured more than $15,000 in one year to see this dream come true. Two student-led grants, Disney for Change and Sodexo, were awarded to Kristy Prelgovisk. The greenhouse structure was built with donated funds, grants and donated labor.

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