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The Netherlands: Exported greenhouse veg up by 10%

Over the first nine months of 2014, export of fresh vegetables increased by nearly 10%. Up until September, the export volume amounted to 1.6 billion kilos. Last year, this was still 1.4 billion kilos. This is shown by figures from the Quality Control Bureau (KCB), published at

The figures give an overview of exported fresh vegetables (excluding onions) and processed products from Dutch soil, insofar as they have been reported to the organization. The favourable weather in particular, which caused production to increase, caused this export growth.

For tomatoes, the growth amounts to over 6%. The most important export destination by far is Germany. Of the 662 million kilos exported from January until September 2014, 43% went to the Germans. The growth amounted to over 6% compared to 2013. The growth of export to the United Kingdom was above average, at 9%. This result was achieved in part thanks to more favourable exchange rates for the British. The export growth for tomatoes to Italy was just below the average export growth. Because an extraordinary amount of business was done with Russia in the first months of the year, Italy was nearly overtaken as third export destination. Export of tomatoes to Russia increased by 54%. Because of the boycott, which came into force early August, the growth will of course decrease somewhat over the rest of the year. The export volume of tomatoes to Poland and Spain has also increased more than average. Export to France isn't going as well. There, Dutch tomatoes are having to compete with the import of Moroccan tomatoes, with that country exporting more produce to France once again this year.

Bell pepper
For bell peppers, the export growth is over 12%. Export to Germany, also the most important export market for this product, increased by 11%. The growth to the United Kingdom was 13%. A much bigger increase can be seen with the Czech Republic and Poland. Here, export increased by over 50% and around 25% respectively. Fewer bell peppers were exported to Italy and Spain.

For cucumbers, the German and English markets are particularly important. Up until September, both markets saw an increase. The increase to Germany amounted to 5%, and to the United Kingdom 26%. To the relatively smaller export destinations, such as France, the Czech Republic and Russia, export increased strongly. To Spain and Italy, export was rather more difficult, resulting in a strong decrease of the exported volumes.

For eggplant, the importance of export to Germany and the United Kingdom also increased further. Together, these two countries make up 62% of the export destinations for this product, a growth of 1.5% compared to 2012. Both export to Germany and to the United Kingdom increased. To England, a large increase was noticeable. The export volume to Denmark, Russia and Poland also increased, while France, Italy and the Czech Republic bought less Dutch produce.

a) Greenhouse and open field vegetables excluding onions
Source: Groente en Fruit Huis /KCB, adaptation LEI

Figures of export from the Netherlands, including re-export, can be retrieved through the Eurostat website.
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