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Dominican Rep.: Over 100 million dollars in greenhouse vegetable exports

This year, the value of the Dominican Republic's greenhouse vegetable exports has surpassed 100 million dollars, according to a report from the Department of Production Under Protected Environment (Deprobap) of the Ministry of Agriculture.

So far in 2014, the Dominican Republic's exports have been worth 111,625,484 dollars, which is 15 million more compared to 2013, according to the report.

The analysis has determined that this positive effect is the result of the entry into production of about 933 new million square metres of such infrastructures.

The country's total greenhouse vegetable production in 2014 was of 140.3 million pounds, which is 17.8 million more than in 2013, when it reached 122.5 million pounds. [1 pound = 0.454 grams]

The report indicates that the main export markets are the United States, Canada, the UK and several Caribbean islands.

The study reveals that the Ministry of Agriculture will continue promoting the installation of greenhouses across the country, as such investments "serve to boost the local economy," creating many new jobs in rural areas.

Currently, the Dominican Republic produces peppers (bell, cubanela, spicy), cucumbers, tomatoes (salad, Boogaloo, Cherry,) melons, herbs, flowers, aubergines, courgettes, watermelons, lettuce, celery and oriental vegetables, among others.

Source: EFE
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