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Spanish greenhouses reach almost 300 million Euro net profit

By the end of this year's campaign, Almeria's greenhouse vegetable growers have reached a net profit of 291,401,040 Euro, according to data from the Andalusian Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development.

To obtain this result, the campaign's total production for each vegetable has been taken into account, as well as the total costs, including seeds, seedlings, fertilisers, pesticides, insects and tools for biological pest control, water, energy, supplies, family labour and hired labour, plus general expenses in greenhouse maintenance, plastic, irrigation, machinery, vehicles and tools.

The average prices for each product during the campaign have been supplied by Andalusia's Prices and Markets Observatory. Average yields for each product have also been taken into account, calculated from the total amount of kilos produced divided by the number of hectares, which has reached 43,086 hectares; a higher figure than the actual greenhouse acreage because of the double cycle carried out with some crops.

Net profit per hectare
Each greenhouse hectare in the province of Almeria has generated a net profit of either 10,036 or 10,609 Euro, depending on the method used to calculate the total acreage (29,035 hectares according to an aerial survey; 27,468 hectares according to surveys carried out by the various municipalities).

Source: hortoinfo
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